Daf | 21.04.2008 0:01
Pur: dej mu par piv a mas plamennej projev o cemkoliv si reknes
Pur: dej mu par piv a mas plamennej projev o cemkoliv si reknes
Pur | 20.04.2008 21:58
škoda že nemáme v záznamu ten vovkův plamenej projev o způsobu hry z toho pivrnce...
škoda že nemáme v záznamu ten vovkův plamenej projev o způsobu hry z toho pivrnce...
Pur | 20.04.2008 21:55
re: Anketa. Tak samozřejmě počítám s tím, že tato anketa bude po každém kole. Minule sice ještě neproběhla, ale tam stejně není o vítězi pochyb
Až ted jsem se pustil do psani reportu, takže sorry že to nebylo dříve
re: Anketa. Tak samozřejmě počítám s tím, že tato anketa bude po každém kole. Minule sice ještě neproběhla, ale tam stejně není o vítězi pochyb
Až ted jsem se pustil do psani reportu, takže sorry že to nebylo dříve
mirekh | 20.04.2008 21:51
Re pur - anketa...
Samozrejme jsem mel na mysli po kazdym kole, je me jasny, ze po kazdym zapase je to nerealizovatelny a navic by to po celym kole mohlo mit i vetsi vypovidaci hodnotu...
Re pur - anketa...
Samozrejme jsem mel na mysli po kazdym kole, je me jasny, ze po kazdym zapase je to nerealizovatelny a navic by to po celym kole mohlo mit i vetsi vypovidaci hodnotu...
pasin | 20.04.2008 21:47
vova: jasně, super nápad. budem hrát futsal na internetu, založíme takovej server typu premier manager a budem hrát futsaol online. V tom bychom byli jedni z nejlepších, soudě podel rozdáhlosti debat za pár dní existence webu.
vova: jasně, super nápad. budem hrát futsal na internetu, založíme takovej server typu premier manager a budem hrát futsaol online. V tom bychom byli jedni z nejlepších, soudě podel rozdáhlosti debat za pár dní existence webu.
pasin | 20.04.2008 21:46
Hattrick más vou cenu: dave
Hattrick más vou cenu: dave
Pur | 20.04.2008 20:42
re: Anketa
Samozřejmě by to bylo lepší na každej zápas, ale nemůžu nijak udělat aby se mě tu zobrazovaly dvě ankety najednou, takže by nutně musel být jeden zápas ve "starších" anketách, a to by asi nedělalo dobrotu.
re: Anketa
Samozřejmě by to bylo lepší na každej zápas, ale nemůžu nijak udělat aby se mě tu zobrazovaly dvě ankety najednou, takže by nutně musel být jeden zápas ve "starších" anketách, a to by asi nedělalo dobrotu.
mirekh | 20.04.2008 20:23
Re: Anketa...
Dneska byly horsi i lepsi chvilky u vsech hracu, ale hattrick ma svou vahu Apropo, tato anketa si v podstate rika o to, aby byla vyhlasena po kazdem zapase a aby z toho vitez "neco mel". Jestli odmenu nebo zapisny je navrh na dalsi diskuzi... M
Re: Anketa...
Dneska byly horsi i lepsi chvilky u vsech hracu, ale hattrick ma svou vahu Apropo, tato anketa si v podstate rika o to, aby byla vyhlasena po kazdem zapase a aby z toho vitez "neco mel". Jestli odmenu nebo zapisny je navrh na dalsi diskuzi... M
vovka | 20.04.2008 20:15
pasin: smysl to ma, nakolik je obecne k necemu probirat taktiky pres web misto na treninku samozrejme z toho tady nebudeme zadne definitivni zavery vyvozovat, to bychom mohli rovnou ten futsal hrat hubou a usetrili bychom za treninkove prostory ale vyzkouset to priste muzem, je to podle me dobra taktika
pasin: smysl to ma, nakolik je obecne k necemu probirat taktiky pres web misto na treninku samozrejme z toho tady nebudeme zadne definitivni zavery vyvozovat, to bychom mohli rovnou ten futsal hrat hubou a usetrili bychom za treninkove prostory ale vyzkouset to priste muzem, je to podle me dobra taktika
hložis (neregistrovaný) | 20.04.2008 19:08
Spis je smutne, ze se tu neobjevuji vysledky! Baf je nastesti rychlejsi, a proto jiz vim, ze jste v dulezitem souboji porazili Rychle pici! Cili gratuluji!
Spis je smutne, ze se tu neobjevuji vysledky! Baf je nastesti rychlejsi, a proto jiz vim, ze jste v dulezitem souboji porazili Rychle pici! Cili gratuluji!
pasin | 20.04.2008 18:39
jenom se mi to zdá, nebo nerozumim anglicky?Má ta debata smysl?
jenom se mi to zdá, nebo nerozumim anglicky?Má ta debata smysl?
Costa | 20.04.2008 18:31
There is no perfect tactic..this was a mere suggestion, because we did it quite well on Friday training..The mistakes that Daf pointed out can be corrected, as he said, during training..
There is no perfect tactic..this was a mere suggestion, because we did it quite well on Friday training..The mistakes that Daf pointed out can be corrected, as he said, during training..
hložis (neregistrovaný) | 20.04.2008 17:58
strange debate, no results here!
strange debate, no results here!
vovka | 20.04.2008 15:26
Daf: disagree, good tactics. Opponent usually doesnt react so quickly when a defender suddenly sprints forvard; it worked many times, esp. when Dave was a receiver and Chob a running back (still talking about futsal We should try it time of the time, especially when an opponent tries to press and defend tightly.
Daf: disagree, good tactics. Opponent usually doesnt react so quickly when a defender suddenly sprints forvard; it worked many times, esp. when Dave was a receiver and Chob a running back (still talking about futsal We should try it time of the time, especially when an opponent tries to press and defend tightly.
Daf | 20.04.2008 9:15
Rui: indeed your proposal is a good option - but there are several limitations and obstacles for us, which might be removed at trainings. first, I guess we have only one or two attackers who are able to catch the long throw and hold it for a while before distribution. second, we might have problems with opponents breaks when the attacker loose the ball or opponents strikers catch his pass - because in the same time our defenders are moving up front sometimes too fast and finally, of course, i cannot forget the issue of long throws precise enough .
Rui: indeed your proposal is a good option - but there are several limitations and obstacles for us, which might be removed at trainings. first, I guess we have only one or two attackers who are able to catch the long throw and hold it for a while before distribution. second, we might have problems with opponents breaks when the attacker loose the ball or opponents strikers catch his pass - because in the same time our defenders are moving up front sometimes too fast and finally, of course, i cannot forget the issue of long throws precise enough .
Costa | 19.04.2008 20:09
Sure..something similar..
Sure..something similar..
Pur | 19.04.2008 20:01
Rui, You mean somethink like that?
"zdroj": Pasin
Rui, You mean somethink like that?
"zdroj": Pasin
Costa | 19.04.2008 17:22
Imagine this is written in perfect czech..
I think we should play as we did yesterday in training, because we did it well, and created a lot of goal opportunities. We should take advantage of the long throws of the goalkeeper to the attacker, who can then distribute the game to the defenders that run to the attack to support the offensive movement of the team. I am not saying that we should always play like this, but we sould try it more often, cuz it worked. Waiting for replies..in portuguese, english..or egyptian..
Imagine this is written in perfect czech..
I think we should play as we did yesterday in training, because we did it well, and created a lot of goal opportunities. We should take advantage of the long throws of the goalkeeper to the attacker, who can then distribute the game to the defenders that run to the attack to support the offensive movement of the team. I am not saying that we should always play like this, but we sould try it more often, cuz it worked. Waiting for replies..in portuguese, english..or egyptian..
pasin | 19.04.2008 14:02
kuďa: jedině mizuno!!!
kuďa: jedině mizuno!!!
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tak me napada, Dave hattrick? Neni to nejak osetreno v poplatcich?